Our capabilities span the entire development / construction cycle, from strategic planning and project conceptualization through construction completion and operations turnover.
Who We Serve:
- Venture investors seeking development/construction opportunities
- Asset manager operators seeking growth
- Property owners exploring development/construction as an appropriate use
- Not-for-profit owners/operators seeking new development opportunities
- Developers seeking to enter a new market
Our Clients:
- BRE Properties
- Fountain Square Development
- Harmony Senior Living
- Housing Development Partners
- New Dawn Assisted Living
- Nexus
- North American Healthcare
- San Diego Housing Commision
- Sunrise Senior Living
- Thomas Safran & Associates
- Ventas REIT
- West Living
Project Planning & Design
- Assist the design team with constructability issues and system selections, i.e.; HVAC, etc.
- Develop and manage ongoing value analysis program
- Review and comment on progress plans
- Assists in creating and monitor the design process schedule
Budgeting & Scheduling
- Develop an overall project budget and schedule
- Assist the owner in developing a project phasing plan
Permitting, Bidding, & Contractor Selection
- Assist in managing the permitting process
- Develop specification sections to ensure integration of interior systems and FF&E.
- Solicit general contractor bids
- Prequalify general contractors
- Host the pre-bid meeting
- Manage the contractor question process
- Receive and analyze bids
- Make a recommendation for selection
- Negotiate construction contract
- Host preconstruction meetings with the contractor and owner team
- Advise owner on issuance of the notice to proceed
- Attend/Host weekly progress meetings on site
- Monitor progress
- Schedule
- Budget
- Quality
- Receive and validate contractor change requests
- Receive and validate contractor applications for payment
- Coordinate the integration of owner supplied systems into the general construction
- Develop and monitor the completion of the punch list
- Closeout the project with the general contractor
- Assist owner in management of the design consultants
Information Technology / Security Systems / Multimedia
- Review related schedules to insure smooth integration
- Coordinate infrastructure installation with general contractor
- Power requirements
- Grounding
- Cable management
- Identify potential conflicts between vendors and /or general contractor
FF&E / Occupancy
- FF&E – selection and sourcing
- Assist in the development of the overall occupancy and move-in schedules
- Review and revise installation and move schedules to reflect changing conditions
- Coordinate completion of punch list prior to FF&E installation
- Assist facilities personnel with logistics and load-in procedures
- Load-in schedule
- Elevator scheduling / protection
- Contingency plans
- Coordinate systems furniture electrical connections with general contractor
Overall Administration
- Facilitate communication between owner / design team / contractors & vendors
- Assist in/Coordinate and schedule regular design team / owner meetings
- Manage pre-construction and construction meeting agenda and meeting minutes
- Review and make recommendations to the owner regarding consultant and vendor invoices and change orders
- Develop and issue monthly progress reports including progress photos to owner
Project Close-out
- Assist in the financial close out of the project with the owner
- Coordinate turn-over to owner facilities maintenance and management team
- Coordinate the distribution of operation and maintenance manuals and warranty information